The drive up here today was awesome. Usually we make fun of street names, I say I need to try the black canyon pie shop for probably the millionth time, and just act goofy to amuse ourselves. But today, all of the saguaros along the I-17 were blooming which means every cactus had about 30 white flowers all over it. It was pretty awesome.
I'm going to put this out there - Kevin and I have a terrible time with weather on our trips. When we planned our trip it was supposed to be in the mid 70s during the day and 40s at night. Now its supposed to be in the mid to low 60s and a low of 29 tonight. Yipeee. I'm very glad we brought a wool a fleece and a down blanket that we can zip into our sheet via our sleeping bag. Our sheets have to be the best purchase we have ever made. They have a zipper on them so the sleeping bag doesn't get kicked off in the middle of the night. So I'm thinking tonight won't be too bad.
We're off to a short hike today to attempt to get used to the whole "no oxygen" thing.
We're off to a short hike today to attempt to get used to the whole "no oxygen" thing.
Remember...if you encounter a bear...the first thing you should do isn't to run the first thing you need to do is trip Kevin....THEN RUN! and pictures of blooming Cacti?????? Be sure to thank your sister for the past four days of temperature preparation.... ;D